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Decode your power

At Coders Lab, we help our graduates unlock their potential and turn it into new skills. We have experience in this and the stories of our graduates are the best proof.


Who are the graduates of Coders Lab?

They are people of different ages and with different work and life experiences, humanists and scientists, people from big cities and small towns, students and working people. What they have in common is ambition and the will to act. They decided to take our course and changed their professional lives.

Para absolwentów dostała pracę po kursie programowania

Bartosz Biskupski


I was highly motivated from the beginning of the course. There were moments when I felt pressured and overwhelmed by the material. Every day after class I spent 3-4 extra hours studying. On Wednesdays and Sundays, I took a break from coding. As a final project, I wrote an app that processed text based on an image of a receipt and created expense statements. I tried to use technologies that I would need in my work. At the end of the course, I felt satisfied, but I was also aware of how much learining was still ahead of me. The course creators provided well-developed material and the lecturers are great specialists with a talent for passing on knowledge and an individual approach to the student. I found a job 2 weeks after finishing the course.

Wiktoria Gugała


I studied Mining and Geology at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Already during my studies, I started working in my profession, at first as a part-time job and later on as a full-time employee. For some time, I felt like I was standing still. I had the impression that I didn't have any opportunities for further development in my profession. I also didn't feel like it was something I wanted to do all my life. It was then that a colleague of mine told me that I should take an interest in testing. I read a lot of articles, looked at the job market and decided that this was something I would be perfect for.

Hubert Borowczyk


I appreciate the course itself because of several elements. First of all, every fortnight I had a weekend just for me and I could develop my passion, which was not so easy with small children at home. Secondly, it's great that the course is practice-oriented. There is a presentation and then most of the time there are assignments and various exercises. There is no unnecessary stuff in the course programme. The course is run by practitioners, people who work in the IT industry (it is not always like that in computer science classes at school). Sometimes it was nice to see that when I was struggling with a problem, I could just ask the lecturer for help and receive an answer, which was logical and simple. But I was not yet able to think that way and could not see the solution.

Wojtek Burczyk


Everyone has their definition of success. My goal was to change careers and I succeeded. It is my success.

Leaving a job is always a difficult decision. It is even more challenging when you have to not only change your profession but also gain new skills. Before the course, I worked for many years as a physiotherapist, but I decided to make a complete change.


Stories of Coders Lab IT courses graduates


Do you want to know who can work in IT?

Everyone! However, we know this is too general to say. That is why we encourage you to get in touch with us and find out about the various cases of professional reconversion.

During a conversation with an advisor you will find out:

  • which courses you can choose,
  • what we teach in our classes,
  • what career support we offer,
  • how our graduates are doing.

Fill up this form and we will send you our bootcamp handbook as well!


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Frequently asked questions

Who can take an IT course?

Practically everyone can take part in our programming and testing courses. What matters is your attitude, motivation, and willingness to learn. If you read the stories of our graduates you will see that other factors do not matter. Our graduates are high school graduates, students, working people, and even seniors. They are "scientific" minds with technical education and humanists with degrees in such fields as law, political science, philology, or sociology. Anyone can enter IT if only they are ready to work hard.

We can choose basic courses for people who have never had any contact with programming: JavaScript Developer, Python Developer

What if I don't know which course to choose for myself?

If you don't know which bootcamp to choose, take our aptitude test and see which development paths you can choose from.

We always encourage you to talk to our course advisor. You can call or write to him/her. He or she will get to know your individual history, assess your past experiences, skills and advise you on which course is right for you. You can find contact details to our Advisors here

Will I find a job in IT after the course?

Graduate stories confirm the effectiveness of our courses. Most of them found their first IT job within 3 months of completing the course.

We make every effort to ensure that our courses respond to market needs and provide our graduates with the opportunity to start working in IT. First of all, the curriculum for our courses is developed in collaboration with employers, and its quality and ongoing updating are supervised by a dedicated team of coding experts.

How much will I earn in my first job?

Your salary will depend on:

  • the course you choose (front end, back end),
  • the company you work for (corporation, software house, marketing agency, etc.)
  • the form of employment you choose (B2B, contract of mandate, contract of specific work)

In general, for example, after a programming course at a junior position, you can expect between EUR 23,500 - 48,000 (annual salary). You will earn more after back-end courses as opposed to front-end courses. A higher salary and a more standardized remuneration system will be provided by a large company or corporation, as opposed to a small software house.